Sunday, March 29th, 2009...3:43 pm

ELVs: Its Over There GONE..the word is !

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Source: Rugby World Unites to Drive out ELVs – Stephen Jones


..”RUGBY union is set to abandon nearly all the radical experimental law variations (ELVs) that have been trialled this season. The Sunday Times understands that the sport is preparing to deliver a damning verdict this week on the experiments, which many believe are responsible for reducing games to a tedious festival of kicking and the elimination of many of rugby’s key distinguishing features, such as the scrum and the driving maul. “…

Chris Cuthbertson, the RFU’s ELV task group leader, says: “We have areas of concern in many areas of the experiments. Rugby is meant to be a game of chess, and we are in danger of turning it into draughts.” [Guess who’s been reading my BLOG – See original post Chess vs Checkers]

Ian McGeechan, coach of the 2009 Lions, has been asked to address the conference. McGeechan firmly opposes the measures: “They are changing the game, and not for the better. It has become so much more difficult now for teams to attack with the ball in hand.

And that cannot be right.”

COMMENTS:First of all I dont mind my analysis been used by the powers to be, I say thank god they saw sense.

The $64,000 question is, will they bring back the RUCK !

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