Saturday, April 11th, 2009...10:31 am

ELVs: The CON !

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Blog Opinion.

The Y2K fear of rolling over dates from 1999:11:59:59 to 2000:01:01:01 created fear that our digital computer world could come to stop. The fear of this sparked massive IT expenditure 3 years prior the year 2000. The IT world loved it, yet most of it didnt need to happen, a clever industry spin to get more corporates to spend more money on IT. Mind you that worked for me, real good !

The ice bergs falling into the ocean, Iceland melting, sea temperatures rising have all sparked another fear of global warming, and the alarmist are saying the ‘man’ is to blame. Yet the energy that is doing the damage is the big nasty orange thing in the sky, the sun, and ‘man’ only contributes about 0.9% to global warming. But dont tell that to the political correct UN scientist who are after budget expansion for there pet science projects. More spin to pull funds a certain way !

The game of rugby must be fast and free flowing and non stop action, as this is better viewing and more attractive to the average punter. This is another con. This type of game sees the fatties running outside inside backs that dont have the speed or skill to do anything other damage the grass there running on. Good running rugby comes from structured setups (scrum/full lineout/mauls) where like players of skill and athleticism are put against each other.  If you have no traditional rugby structure you will not need the fatties, and you will end up selecting 15 loose forwards and having ‘golden oldie’ scrums and ‘ball throw ins’ from the touch line. Jes, that sounds like another code out there !

Free flowing rugby, running rugby is one of the many styles the game has to offer, yet it is not the only style, other styles suite other teams and this strategy mix should be maintained.

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