Thursday, October 30th, 2008...7:01 am

Dan Carter chose not to play NPC final..WTF !

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 Dan Carter believing his press, a big mistake !


Its 2008 Oct, and a top First Five said to the media he decided he would not be available for his province for the NPC final, after his coach expressed that he would like him to play. After speculation that the NZRU/Henry may have decided to rest him. They may have applied gentle pressure to confirm that if Dan made this ‘stand down’ decision that it was ok with them, with no future repercussions, making easier for Dan to ‘pass’ on the NPC final and open his Auckland undies shop, busy lad !

C Meads, T Norton, I Kirkpatrick, S Wilson, G Wylie : Did you guys hear that !

Some of the great men of yesteryear must be wondering what the f**k has happened to the attitudes of the players to the province that brought them up through the ranks. Answer : The EURO !

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