Wednesday, May 12th, 2010...8:42 am

Justin Marshall Retires: Review

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Source: Justin Marshall Retires

Justin was one of the mentally toughest halfbacks the ABs have ever seen. I have been watching rugby for 40 plus years, and I would say in the wet there was no better.

He was characterised as a halfback come loose forward and did play that role well. However this is why as a pure half back this mix in roles does not see him referred at the best half back the ABs have seen.

You will conclude this when you watch the games when George Greagan and Justin are matched up. George was just that much faster in recycling the ball in a free flowing movement. Justin was just too slow and pass was too short.

No matter, thanks for a fine service Justin. My bet his candid no sh*t approach to rugby will be very interesting when hear him on the TV.

Cheers dude !

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