Monday, August 3rd, 2009...8:29 am
AB Coaches: Dunce hats!
Source: Sorry Graham Henry, denial is not the solution – Toby Robson
Graham Henry think the game plan was fine? Steve Hansen doesn’t want to call in a specialist to help with the lineouts? Wayne Smith believes long kicks are a waste of time?
It has the same delusional tone as comments this season on the form of wing Joe Rokocoko and the “international class” of first-five Stephen Donald.
Rugby is a game of territory because it’s easier to score points when you are in the opposition’s half. To deny such tenets of the game is dangerous
Dummies guide to winning rugby games:
1) Territory
2) Pressure
3) Possession
4) Once pressure and territory achieved spin out wide.
Grant Fox and Auckland did this for years ‘bread and butter’, easy peasy.
Winning rugby tactics havent changed for a 100 years. Call you Grandma, she could do a better coaching job!
NOTE: Players are fine in my book, I see there error as 75% with the coaches. Tactics must be selected that equal the players skill level aligned with weeks of training. The instructions issued before Durban were just wrong, AGAIN !